About The Books
- Successfully work through relationship issues
- Be the man that women want, need and LONG FOR
- Alleviate their partner’s irrational fears about them
- Build the foundation that leads to a blissfully HAPPY home life
The Nature of a Woman: Navigating Her 4 Week Mood Cycle, offers simple, effective and practical tactics, strategies and tips that will empower men to reinvigorate their relationship, in as little as 3 months.
Gary P. Simmons utilizes his lived experience to explain in a practical, down to earth and progressive way, how each phase of a menstrual cycle influences a woman’s mood and their subsequent behavior within a long term relationship.
It’s clear that Gary respects and relates to both men and women and that his intention is to help keep couples and families together. He says “if things are not going as well as they could be at home, my aim is to inspire couples to be invested in saving a marriage, rather than just walking away”.
Men, who value their partner, will know what to expect from week to week, as well as and what can be done to change the status quo of a relationship that is either lack luster or in serious trouble.
These books also examine a relationship from a woman’s perspective, so men who are serious about being the best man they can be, will learn how to empathize with how their partner is feeling.
There’s also a companion workbook that’s been designed to help men who are committed to their long term relationship, lead the way forward and give their partner what she needs, to feel fulfilled and happy. People don’t just want connection, they absolutely need it, to stay bonded to their partner.
Yes, there’s definitely a potential for this book to be controversial and polarizing. However, it’s been written in a way that encourages men to be kind and sensitive, without losing their masculinity.
There’s no fluff in these books and they are also not about a quick fix or a magic pill. It’s plain and simple and full of down to earth relationship advice for men who genuinely want to learn some skills that can be applied to help make a partnership loving and harmonious.
Although these transformational books have been written for men, they are also books that women want their partner to read because they help to inspire guys to choose to become the type of man that women respect, admire and need.
The Nature of a Woman: Navigating Her 4 Week Cycle books also reveals:
- The hidden truth behind the lonely, angry, bitter and unhappy guys of the world
- How to reassure your partner that you are made of the ‘RIGHT STUFF’
- What to say at the right time to put out the fire fast How men can ruin relationships—learn what to avoid doing and saying
- Why she asks repetitive questions and what she really wants to know
The Nature of a Woman: Navigating Her 4 Week Cycle eBook is available as a Kindle eBook, paperback or as an audio book. The workbook is available as a paperback.
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